
Showing posts from February, 2022

Don't hold on ... to what's wrong

  Don't hold on to what's wrong  is the theme for this term's Heartsmart and Giraffes shared their learning with the whole school in collective worship yesterday.   Being HeartSmart means learning how to let the bad feelings out of our hearts so we can feel happy again. Anger Sharing our experiences. We talked about the anger iceberg :  Most of the iceberg is underwater. There is only a little bit that’s showing.  It can be a bit like our anger. The top part is the part you see - us being angry. Underneath are the reasons we felt angry. There is a lot more under the surface than what we can see. Maybe we are hungry, late or tired, but we show the emotion of anger. It's good to find out what's the real reason for our anger.  When we are angry, we need to ask ourselves what we are really feeling underneath Our anger iceberg Forgiveness If a friendship has gone wrong - we can choose to forgive people, which makes us feel better. Different perspectives We...

Detective time: inference and deduc

We were excited to see the cover of our new book, Freedom bird, by Jermaine Nolan.  We used evidence from the picture on the cover to make predictions about the  characters, setting  and themes of the book.  Using subordinate clauses and modal verbs, we wrote our predictions.