
Showing posts from November, 2021

TT Rockstars day

 The Juniors have come to school today looking amazing! They were asked to come dressed as a rockstar as part of our Maths Week England celebrations. I have to say that they really went to town and they totally rocked the rockstar look! Well done Juniors, you rock! 

Times Tables Rock Stars challenge

Thankyou to all those parents who joined in Maths week by coming to our Times Tables Rock Stars event this morning.  The children enjoyed playing against you.

Maths week activities

During Maths week England, Giraffes have been using maths across the curriculum. We found that we could multi-task by p ractising times tables  and  ball skills at the same time! In science, we measured the time taken for Blu Tac to fall to the bottom of the measuring cylinder.  We also had to find  the  mean  time from our repeated measurements. We continued our Power maths work, when we were all learning to solve problems using mental methods and reason from known facts. Today, we took on the White Rose Barvember challenges.  These are very tricky word problems, but with teamwork and our bar modelling skills, we managed to solve them. Tomorrow, we will be costing out our enterprise project. We will need to make sure that we calculate our costs accurately, so that we make a profit.  More on that soon... We will also be challenging each other on Times Tables Rock stars .

Reading buddies

Reading buddies Giraffes were excited to visit the Bears classroom this afternoon see their buddies. They listened to their buddy read and went through their flashcards. It was lovely to watch them together. The Giraffes were fantastic at asking questions and encouraging book talk, while Bears were very enthusiastic about showing off their reading skills.  After play, one of the Y6s did a wonderful job of reading a story to everyone.  We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Bears and would love to come again. 

Feeling the force...friction.

  In science, we have been  investigating the effects of the friction between moving surfaces. We practiced using a force meter  We devised and carried out a fair test to see which surface provided the best grip. We pulled the same shoe  on different surfaces  with a force meter until it started to move.  The found out that the shoe was hardest to move on the cardboard. There was more grip because there was most friction. 

E safety

 This afternoon we have talked about e safety and how to make sure we stay safe online. We have talked about how to safely share information and who we should share it with as well as thinking about gaming and keeping our information private. We have begun to design posters and talked about our use of technology in school. We also looked at the CEOP logo and talked about how we can report things that make us uncomfortable. Here are some games you can play all about e  safety

Brilliant books!

 Adventure, fantasy, sci-if : there are so many genres to choose from and sometimes it is hard to know what to choose. We have read a range of authors from Ahlberg to Williams, yet there are so many we haven’t read..YET! To highlight some of our favourites, we chose a brilliant read to recommend to others. We crafted super sentences to write a blurb , which will hopefully encourage someone else to read the book. Which book would you like to read next?