Maths week activities

During Maths week England, Giraffes have been using maths across the curriculum.

We found that we could multi-task by practising times tables and ball skills at the same time!

In science, we measured the time taken for Blu Tac to fall to the bottom of the measuring cylinder. 

We also had to find  the mean time from our repeated measurements.

We continued our
Power maths work, when we were all learning to solve problems using mental methods and reason from known facts.

Today, we took on the White Rose Barvember challenges. 

These are very tricky word problems, but with teamwork and our bar modelling skills, we managed to solve them.

Tomorrow, we will be costing out our enterprise project. We will need to make sure that we calculate our costs accurately, so that we make a profit. More on that soon...

We will also be challenging each other on Times Tables Rock stars.


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