
Showing posts from February, 2023

Times tables heat maps

 Giraffes are working on speeding up their times tables using TT Rockstars. Using the heat maps on times tables rockstars, we can see which table facts we are super-speedy at and which we need to work on. We are going to see how much quicker we can get in 1 month.

Wonderful writing

Continuing The Adventures of Hugo Cabret, Giraffes have been writing their own chapter when Hugo went to live with his uncle Claude.  The purpose of the writing is to entertain the reader., so they are using  ‘exciting’ sentences, powerful vocabulary, imaginative phrases, imagery, bringing the story to life. I can’t wait to read the finished chapters. 

We are scientists -What happens if...?

 Y5/6 have been learning about electricity this half term. We wanted to  see what would happen if we changed one thing in a circuit.  We devised questions and made predictions   before testing out what happens when we change one variable.  When we were testing the loudness of the buzzer, we measured the sound in decibels using an app.  Here we are experimenting!