Friday's update

A little message from Freya to start today's update:
Heyyy!! How are you doing? I'm doing great today. I held one of Mali's Guinea Pig's and they were so adorable. He is called Yoda and the other one is called Wicket. When I was holding him he curled up in a cute little white ball. He was going to fall asleep too.

Soooo....see yaa later!!

And some pictures of Lynda making yummy ice cream: 

If you have any more pictures please send them over, have a great weekend. Miss B 


  1. Hi Mrs B how are you ? How is everybody staying at home. I miss you all. Freya that guinea pig looks cute and Lynda that Ice cream looks yummy. Hope every one is ok .See you soon .Bye.

  2. That guinea pig is SO ADORABLE! They look very cute and fluffy, it makes me feel like I want another guinea pig! The ice cream looks amazing and SO yummy. Have a good weekend everyone,bye!


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