Wednesday 20th May

Morning my lovelies and what a gorgeous morning it is.

Hope everyone is ok on this sunny Wednesday and is going to spend some time outside enjoying the weather.

How are you getting on with your TT Rockstars world record attempts? What's the most anyone has got in a minute so far? 

Also don't forget to send me your pictures or messages for Feel Fantastic Friday, I would love to put together a video for us all to enjoy. 

Looking forward to catching up with you all this week, have a great day. Miss B


  1. That Hegdehog is so ADORABLE, I really want one now!!! Hope everyone is ok, miss you all to. UwU

  2. Yaaaaa, good morning Miss B!!!!

  3. Maisie
    Hi everyone!😋 That hedgehog is SO CUTE! Are you ringing tomorrow, Miss B? Yesterday me and Lizzie made the Egyptian Sphinx out of Tommys play sand, would love to send you a picture. What have you all been doing recently, as Miss B said, the weather is lovely! Hope everyone is doing ok, stay safe, bye

    1. Hi Maisie yes I'll be ringing you tomorrow. Looking forward to catching up with you

  4. Well, I have been making houses in Minecraft, Me, Mali and Charlie went on a walk doing the same walk today. I love Minecraft who else loves Minecraft. I do loads of roleplays!!!

    1. Maisie
      Hi Freya, I sometimes go on Minecraft with my sister's and it is really good!

    2. I know I love Mincraft

  5. Maisie
    Miss B, I just went on Ttrockstars, in Festival and I came second with 63 questions against nearly 40 people!

    1. Maisie that is amazing! Well done you!!!


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