
Showing posts from September, 2021

The launch of Just sing, Taddington choir

 Our Year 6 children asked if they could start a school choir and after finding out if there was anyone interested in joining - there were lots- they set about organising it. The first session was today and was led really well by the children. It was fantastic to see children from Reception to year 6 joining in and it was lovely to hear singing wafting through school. Well done Y6s for organising this. Here they are leading the singing.

Giraffes lead collective worship: don’t forget to let the love in

 Giraffes led our whole school collective worship today and shared  what they have been learning about love in our Heartsmart lessons. It was fantastic to see them leading collective worship for the whole school again.

Blackberry mission

 Over the last few weeks, we've been on a mission to make Blackberry jam. We started by going on a walk around Taddington (led by the locals) to collect the Blackberries. The children worked so well together as a team that they were very fruitful. The children decided that whilst we were walking, it would be a good idea to take some bin bags and do a spot of letter picking at the same time, this proved to be less fruitful, which we were delighted about. On our return, we froze the berries, ready for the next week. The following week, we made the jam. The children split into 3 groups and rotated around the different activities. As a collective they managed to; split the wood using a bill hook and mallet ready to use for kindling, collect birch bark to start the fire, light the fire, maintain the fire. They also, prepared the Blackberries, added the other ingredients to the mixture and cooked the jam on the fire. The jam was then left to cool and transferred into jars for t...

Fitness week

Fitness week has been keeping us busy.  After our lovely community walk, hymn singing, meditation on Monday afternoon, we have been thinking about making our journey to school more active. Some of us have been trying to do a park and stride rather than just driving to school. This morning, Giraffes enjoyed the fitness session, which Miss Furness organised.  Running, throwing, passing and skipping were practiced enthusiastically, as you can see. I

Maths models and images

  In maths, we have been working on place value with some very big numbers. We have been using place value grids  number lines  and part-whole models  to represent numbers.

Feel the force

Kickstarting our forces topic in science, our entry point saw us getting i nspired by Wallace  and Gromit’s cracking contraptions , Rube Goldberg and Joseph’s machines .  We could have watched them all afternoon -  they are truly amazing, but we had a go at making some of our own chain reactions. We managed to get a marble to fly, hit, roll and fall using a tube, straws, spoons, boxes and yogurt pots.  We also made a human machine , which transported our Proud cloud jar around the classroom. We're ready to feel the force now, so watch out for more exciting science adventures!

Rocket building

Today as the entry point for our new topic we began to design rockets to take supplies to the International Space Station. We only had a few things we could use to make our rockets and they had to transport vital supplies from Earth to the ISS. We have had a really fun day researching, designing and making the rockets and are hoping that tomorrow we will be able to launch them and send the men and women on the ISS their supplies. 


The Reception children had their first day at school today and we were very excited to meet them. We all have a reception child and will be their buddy - helping them at lunchtime and playtime. Here are our thoughts on the day today. Today I helped my buddy cut up their food. Then I had to help them open the cake wrappers as they  struggled to do so. Then I was told  I had to tell them that if they ate ALL their food they would get a sticker! But he had started eating his cake FIRST so I had to tell him that he had to eat his lunch first. They said the cake and lunch was delicious.  Today I have obtained a reception buddy. I helped him open his sandwich.  Today I helped my buddy make a sand castle and cake.  Today I helped my buddy make sand castles in the sand pit Before today I was so excited to get a buddy , so when I saw them all streaming out of the classroom suddenly I knew who I would like. I  helped her cut up her food and we had loads of fun on the...