
The Reception children had their first day at school today and we were very excited to meet them. We all have a reception child and will be their buddy - helping them at lunchtime and playtime.

Here are our thoughts on the day today.

Today I helped my buddy cut up their food. Then I had to help them open the cake wrappers as they  struggled to do so. Then I was told  I had to tell them that if they ate ALL their food they would get a sticker! But he had started eating his cake FIRST so I had to tell him that he had to eat his lunch first. They said the cake and lunch was delicious. 

Today I have obtained a reception buddy. I helped him open his sandwich. 

Today I helped my buddy make a sand castle and cake. 

Today I helped my buddy make sand castles in the sand pit

Before today I was so excited to get a buddy , so when I saw them all streaming out of the classroom suddenly I knew who I would like. I  helped her cut up her food and we had loads of fun on the field. 

This morning I was excited to get my first buddy because last year I did not get one. I helped her making sandcastles and soup in the mud kitchen. 

I helped my buddy to build a volcano in the sandpit and he wanted me to add more sand and I almost put a sandcastle on the top of it until I realised it was a volcano!   

I helped my buddy scrape his tray and together, we made a potion on the field. 

My reception child was quite independent at lunchtime, but I was there to help him if he needed me. 

Well done Giraffes. You have done a fantastic job today.


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