Let your imagination go wild! Y5 childrens' Lunchtime Lego club

Report by children in Y5 

Models by children Reception to Y6

Lego club is a great club and I run it with my friends. We make different  things like a cat or a dog by using our imagination in different ways. If you enjoy playing with Lego this is the perfect club for you. Every week, on Thursday, after you have  eaten your lunch, then we do Lego club. (reported by H Y5)

Garden with penguins
Ocean and the swamp

Lego is fun to use and make new things by just using your imagination and a bit of Lego. All the Y6s made a hotel/house for each of them, so they had their own rooms. 2 Y5s made the biomes from Minecraft each with different animals. They used different characters from Lego friends and pretended they were in Minecraft. (reported by N Y5)

Tropical island
Ender dragon
Lego club is a great club, and your imagination can be used in your Lego builds. There is a lot of builds you can make. Let your imagination run wild. Lego club lets you be a creative and imaginative person. Lego club is a great way to inspire you to do your own creations. (reported by I Y5)

The ocean biome


Crazy imagination

The café

Minecraft biomes



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