Reading ambassadors visit to Flagg Nursery


Year 6 reading ambassadors were very excited to be invited to Flagg Nursery this week. As role models for reading, they selected and read stories to the children.

Here are their recollections of their visit.

The day we visited Flagg Nursery

At Flagg Nursery, we decided to read to the children because  it is world book day this week , we thought it would be fun to read to them. I brought along a very exciting book called Six dinner Sid (a story of a  greedy cat).
I soon realized that I had picked out a very popular book as it was soon demanded to be read again. I would like to say a special thank you to a little girl who sat still and listened the whole time. (E Y6)

At Flagg Nursery, I had so much fun reading the Orange Juicy drink book, which I think the nursery kids found exciting . We read there because it is nearly world book day. I Remember when the author of the orange juicy drink book came to visit the school. Most of the year 6s went only because most of them were reading ambassadors.    (A Y6)


As a reading Y6 ambassador, I went to Flagg Nursery, I enjoyed reading Scaredy Cats (a book of a very brave cat), and other books to the kids. They were so polite and nice. There was one girl who was very helpful when I was reading. She asked other children to be quiet when I was reading a book and I didn’t get a chance to say thank you, so thank you! We read because we wanted to and also because it is nearly world book day and we are reading ambassadors. I also want to thank the children for engaging with our reading session, and sitting very still.   (S Y6)

At Flagg Nursery, I had a delightful time reading ‘I’m not cute’ and other books to the little ones. All the children were so polite and sweet. There were some 2-year-olds which you wouldn’t know were there unless you were told. There was one little girl who stood out from the rest, who sat still all the way through and listened as good as gold. I think I speak for my fellow year six reading ambassador when I say it was an amazing experience. (L Y6)


  1. Thank you from the nursery children, they loved you visiting 😊


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