Writing a sequel

Having finished reading the Sleeper and the Spindle, by  Neil Gaiman, Giraffes have been inspired to plan a sequel as the queen goes off on her next adventure.

Show don't tell

They have thought carefully about how the want to portray each character to the reader, so after deciding their characteristics, they have considered how the character would behave towards others and how they would speak.

Dynamic dialogue

Knowing that dialogue should be only be used to show character or move the action on, they have been considering carefully what their characters might say to create dynamic dialogue with no boring bits! 

Magical tales

Inspired by other fairy tales, they plan to include dragons, goblins, enchanted forests as well as links to other fairy tales - with their own twist to create their own magical tales.

 Fantastic first drafts started...  I can't wait to find out what happens next.


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