Babbling vagabonds: The Taddington Mystery

Workshop: making props

The performance of The Taddington mystery

The Taddington School Mystery 

by The Giraffes Class and Babbling Vagabonds

Once upon a time there was a wonderful village in Derbyshire called Taddington. The local school had a secret. At night, when everyone had gone home for the day, the school would be visited by a group of friendly ghosts.  

The friendly ghosts would come out at night and relive their happy days from wayback, when they used to be at school. That's how much they loved it.

Amongst the ghosts there was a little girl ghost called Abbey. She was such a friendly ghost, and would often be seen helping the ghost teacher, Mr Sparkle, set the classrooms up for the next day. 

If you were to ask any former pupils about Mr Sparkle, their eyes would suddenly glaze over and you would have to wake them up. He was known to be so boring he would send everyone to sleep. 

Then there was Mrs Mushy Cabbage, the ghost of the old dinner lady. Former pupils are still dealing with the trauma of their school days when they were forced to eat her famous cold grey mushy cabbage!

Every night, the ghosts would float around the corridors checking that things were in order for the next school day. All was well until late one night two robbers, called Barney and Barbara, broke into the school. 

They were such rotters and they began to steal anything that they could get their thieving hands on. They started to fill up their swag bags with untold things. Things that weren't theirs to take. 

“We’ll have that!” they’d say as they swiped this and that into their swag bags, which they had also stolen years ago when they first became baddy burglars.

Abbey and Mr Sparkle were horrified when they saw what was happening. They needed to do something to stop the thieves and save the school, but what? They needed a plan. They also needed Mrs Mushy Cabbage, but she was only interested in cooking the cabbage ready for tomorrow's dinner.

Abbey wondered how they could enlist the former school cook. Then she came up with a brilliant idea. She found an apron on the back of the kitchen door and on it she wrote the words  “Best Cook Ever” in her neatest ghostly handwriting. 

Then Abbey and Mr Sparkle presented it to Mrs Mushy Cabbage, saying that the children were so delighted with her grey cold cabbage that they had awarded her the grand title of “Best Cook Ever”. 

Just as she was about to wear it with pride, Barney and Barbara sneaked into the kitchen. Of course they were unable to see the ghosts but they did see the lovely apron and with a gleeful  “We’ll have that!”, Barbara snatched it and stuffed it into her swag bag.

Mrs Mushy Cabbage was so angry that someone had stolen her new apron that she turned the colour of a blueberry. These rotten robbers had to be stopped. 

Together the ghosts formed a plan. They looked around to see what they could use. All they had to hand was some old Christmas puddings they found in the back of the kitchen cupboard, a crown and a football net.

“Perfect!” said Abbey, “I know just what to do!” 

She whispered her plan to Mr Sparkle and Mrs Cabbage, and they sprang into action.

Just as Barney and Barbara were about to leave the school with their bulging swag bags, they looked down. On the corridor floor was a Christmas pudding.

“We’ll have that!” said Barney, picking up the pud and popping it in his bag.

“Oooh look!”, said Barbara. “There’s another one… and another… and another!”

The burglars followed the trail of puddings around the school scooping them up one by one. When they came to the last of the Christmas puds they saw a beautiful sparkling crown.  

”Ooooh!” they cooed. “We’ll have that!” They raced to the crown and just as they put their filthy fingers on the golden treasure…

The ghosts threw the old football net over the robbers, trapping them in a tangle of string.

Then Mrs Mushy Cabbage, whose arms were full of muscles from all that cabbage stirring, tied them up tight. 

Mr Sparkle began talking to them about paint drying and in an instant the robbers were fast asleep.

As the sun came up the next morning and the teachers and pupils came to school they were shocked and stunned to find two thieves tied up tight in a football net. And when they spotted the bag of stolen items on a table next to them - they quickly called the police. 

When the cops arrived they arrested the thieves immediately.  However when the police asked Barabara and Barney who had trapped them, the bungling burglars couldn't tell them….in fact no one could… it was a mystery!

The End  


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